Re: Request for critique - ELysian Internet Services

by bower(at) (Will)

 Date:  Mon, 12 Jan 1998 11:20:18 -0900
 To:  hwg-critique(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
        Hey Kersti,

The following is purely IMHO. Please read at your own risk. :)

Powermac 275mhz  64meg RAM  24-bit, 832x624, 15" monitor
33.6 dialup    NN 4.03

>Hi All,
>- how long does it take to load, especially the java nav?

        The page itself wasn't too bad, but the Java took forever to load,
then crashed. Subsequent reloads of the page resulted in a white square
where the java should be. ???

>- how does it look in 640x480 (I used 800x600)

        The left (nav) window is fine. However, the right window, with the
text, needs to horizontally scroll 3 times to read each line. Not good. :(

>- how does it look in IE

        The java crashed my IE browser (IE 3.01, PPC) every time. I think
your Java has mutated into a vicious killer. :)

>- how does it look on a Macintosh?

        Ummm... I don't see any problems, at least on the main page.

>- general thoughts etc

1: Check for the legalities
regarding the display of the HWG logo.
2: Index page: "organistaions" should be "organizations" and "internet"
should be capitalized (two spots).
3: If you're shooting for a target audience, ignore the following.
Otherwise, consider providing a "low-power" version of the site (no frames,
no java).
4: Regarding No. 3 above... maybe it wouldn't be bad to offer a low-power
version even if you do have a target audience. The more options and
versatility a website offers, the more credibility I give to the designer.
Just a simple NOFRAME link should work... effective and quick. Just an
idea, but, IMHO, a good one.
5: The Java still refuses to work, and I don't have time to hack the code,
so I can't review the rest of the site.

        I'd be happy to poke through the site later, once the Java problem
gets resolved. I hope that helps. Good luck!

                                                        Will Bower


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